This Must Be The Place
Project Details:
- Where: Palermo (Italy), Athens (Greece), Barcelona (Spain)
- Duration: 20 months
- Funder: Agenzia INDIRE Erasmus+ – Adult Education
- Beneficiaries: Staff members of involved organizations, adult educators, and citizens from the local communities.
“This Must Be the Place” is an adult education project created by Maghweb in collaboration with Cinergies and L’associació pels Drets Sexuals i Reproductius. Supported by the Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ INDIRE under the Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education program, the project focuses on empowering adults, particularly women and LGBTQIA+ community members, to promote inclusion and empowerment in both online and offline public spaces across Southern Europe.
In depth
“This Must Be the Place” is designed to enhance non-formal adult education across the Mediterranean, focusing on inclusivity both online and offline. The project has three specific objectives:
- Develop Educator Capacities: Empower adult educators to raise awareness about gender equality and LGBTQIA+ inclusion in public spaces.
- Create Educational Resources: Develop innovative, intergenerational learning opportunities, including educational materials that address gender-based oppression.
- Promote Active Citizenship: Encourage adults in the Mediterranean to engage in creating more inclusive communities.
Project Activities:
Capacity Building: Training sessions for 30 adult educators across Palermo, Athens, and Barcelona, focusing on gender-based oppression and media literacy.
Podcast Development: A 3-episode educational podcast featuring the experiences of women and LGBTQIA+ individuals in urban spaces across the partner cities. Accompanied by a didactic vademecum, the podcast will serve as a replicable educational resource.
Live Learning Events: Six intergenerational public events, including educational city tours and learning days, aimed at stimulating discussion and fostering inclusive practices in local communities.
Partnership Roles:
- Maghweb (Italy): Leads project management and podcast production.
- Cinergies (Greece): Hosts training on media literacy and advocacy.
- L’associació pels Drets Sexuals i Reproductius (Spain): Facilitates live events and learning days.
The project’s comprehensive approach combines capacity building, media production, and community engagement to foster a more inclusive society across Southern Europe.
Key Collaborators




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